Saturday, March 5, 2011

Mack's 2nd Birthday Party

Macky Bear turned 2 in February!!  And we had a small Choo Choo party for him to celebrate.  Here are some fun photos of the party.

One of the big hits was the train table from Grammie and Papa

And another hit was the helmet from the Hoovers!

Emma loved eating her ribs off the bone!  A girl after Grammie's heart!

Who needs a spoon?  Not Mack!

Thanks for the garden tools that already have been used to dig up my roses!!! 
The tools need to come with instructions!

And perhaps the most favorite gift - a broom!

Valentine's Day Fun

Well, February was a month of lots of love around here!  We hosted 2 little Valentine parties, went to one fbulous one with all our little friends, and had a Valentine Tea Party at school!!  Here are some fun photos!
The girls loved decorating these sugar cookies!

Playing under the table cloth - oh well, they had tons of fun flinging dust everywhere!~

At one of our parties the children painted Valentine frames to give Daddy!

Another very fun day of baking and decorating!

The school Tea Party

How cute are they praying??!!

Of course Mommy was there - I wouldn't miss a party!  And thanks to Miss Ana who watched Mack so I could just be with my girls!!

OK, don't tell her - but I snuck in this picture of Emma and her love - Robbie!!! He's super cute!

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