Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Birthday

I had a wonderful birthday weekend. All I wanted was to spend the day alone at the spa - so I did! On Saturday morning my neighbor and I had a garage sale (perfect way for me to kick off a birthday weekend!). After that I headed over to the Four Seasons for lunch with some girlfriends and then checked myself into the spa for the rest of the day. I came home to an amazing dinner made by my husband and all the children were in bed!!! Sunday, my birthday, I wanted to go to the beach as a family, so we skipped church and headed to the coast.
It was a magical day! I love this picture because it looks like a photo you'd see in a magazine of a celebrity at the beach with their kids - a paparazzi shot! Where you're doing everyday stuff, but the public find it so interesting!! Dont' you?
Wearing my new sun hat - thanks to my children!

Super cute cat Georgia drew for me

Precious picture of me and Emma - she pointed out to me "you're wearing high heels mommy!"

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