Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year

Well, I'm back at it!  I took a long break from this little family blog, but there are too many cute photos to share and so few in house visits with you all, so I thought I'd post the love!!!
New Years day kicked off with watching the Rose Parade.  The girls quickly ran to put on their "rose dresses," white princess gloves, and sky high heels!  Mack ran out with a purple princess dress to join in the fun and Roger quickly ushered him back to the bedroom where he came out in this!  Not sure what the difference between a purple princess dress and a blue dress with a yellow scarf is - but oh well!

Mack has been assigned new chores in the 2011.  No more free loading!

I made my Grandma Jones' Cinnamon Rolls on New Years Day - my tradition.

I rolled them out with Grandma's rolling pin

And I have to say - they were the best I've ever made!!

Rog ended the day with making some out of this world Gumbo that our friends came over to enjoy
while bowling on our new Wii!
Happy New Year everyone!  2011 is going to be a great year filled with surprises and blessing!

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