Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school for Emma & Georgia. They were so thrilled to go!! They are going to Pre-K on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Georgia's teacher is Mrs. Sherifi and Emma's teacher is Miss Thorson. This will be a big year for them, they will start learning to read!! We're so excited!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer With Friends

So far this Summer, we've had a lot of fun with friends!
Here are some shots of "Fun With Friends!"
We got to see Kendall, Jose and their new son Ben in San Diego last weekend!

Ellie, Emma, Georgia, and Luca at Ellie's birthday party. No, Georgia isn't sunburned! She was jumping in the bounce house for about a half hour with no break!

The Warner clan came to visit for a jumbo slumber party! Super fun with the twins times two!

Emma and KaraLin risking their lives on the rides at the OC Fair!

A lovely day spent at The Boyd's Beach Bungalo with Auntie Molly, Aunt Patti, and Uncle Mark.

Beach dinner with Lilah

Chilly beach day with JJ & KaraLin

Me and Denise making peach jam from the peaches on her tree!

Movie night with Lilah & Noah

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My Birthday

I had a wonderful birthday weekend. All I wanted was to spend the day alone at the spa - so I did! On Saturday morning my neighbor and I had a garage sale (perfect way for me to kick off a birthday weekend!). After that I headed over to the Four Seasons for lunch with some girlfriends and then checked myself into the spa for the rest of the day. I came home to an amazing dinner made by my husband and all the children were in bed!!! Sunday, my birthday, I wanted to go to the beach as a family, so we skipped church and headed to the coast.
It was a magical day! I love this picture because it looks like a photo you'd see in a magazine of a celebrity at the beach with their kids - a paparazzi shot! Where you're doing everyday stuff, but the public find it so interesting!! Dont' you?
Wearing my new sun hat - thanks to my children!

Super cute cat Georgia drew for me

Precious picture of me and Emma - she pointed out to me "you're wearing high heels mommy!"

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The 4th Sac Style

We just returned from a fun time up north for some 4th of July festivities. We swam, ate, swam some more, and then ate some more!!

Mommy's first attempt at French braids for the girls! Super cute!

Macky loved Auntie Lori's dog Maggie!

Oh yea, and her is my first zuccini from my garden!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Father's Day Love

Celebrating our wonderful Father at the beach!! Happy Father's Day Daddy Bear.

Last Day O Preschool

Well, the little ladies completed their first year of preschool and they loved every moment of it! They asked almost everyday, "do we get to go to school today?" They learned so much, much more than I expected! It was an awesome experience. Their final party way a luau where they learned the hula, ate pizza, and had a blast with their little friends!

Brookie and Georgia

Emma, Savannah, Georgia

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Getty Love

I absolutely love the Getty and I love that the kids love it too. Last Friday we had no plans, so I asked the girls what they wanted to do. "Let's go to the Getty." It was a perfect day - June gloom didn't disappoint and granted us a cool day to wander the gardens, climb on rocks and play.

Do you see what I see??

Emma was contemplating fine art!This kid totally loves me!

And I totally love them

When I later asked them what their favorite thing at the Getty was, I was sure the girls would say, "Cheetos"!! But they didn't. They said the princess beds, which are the Louis IVX beds from France.

Macky on Marie Antoinette's bed (a replica!!!)

Georgia creating her own sculpture

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