Saturday, June 26, 2010

Father's Day Love

Celebrating our wonderful Father at the beach!! Happy Father's Day Daddy Bear.

Last Day O Preschool

Well, the little ladies completed their first year of preschool and they loved every moment of it! They asked almost everyday, "do we get to go to school today?" They learned so much, much more than I expected! It was an awesome experience. Their final party way a luau where they learned the hula, ate pizza, and had a blast with their little friends!

Brookie and Georgia

Emma, Savannah, Georgia

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Getty Love

I absolutely love the Getty and I love that the kids love it too. Last Friday we had no plans, so I asked the girls what they wanted to do. "Let's go to the Getty." It was a perfect day - June gloom didn't disappoint and granted us a cool day to wander the gardens, climb on rocks and play.

Do you see what I see??

Emma was contemplating fine art!This kid totally loves me!

And I totally love them

When I later asked them what their favorite thing at the Getty was, I was sure the girls would say, "Cheetos"!! But they didn't. They said the princess beds, which are the Louis IVX beds from France.

Macky on Marie Antoinette's bed (a replica!!!)

Georgia creating her own sculpture

Three Little Monkeys Jumpin' on the Bed

Maybe I'm a control freak, but we don't let the kids jump on their beds. Actually, it's because someone always gets really hurt when they sneak and do it! Well, last week I made an exception (unfortunately someone did get hurt! But not too badly!!) and the kids had an absolute blast being crazy in Mommy's bed. Enjoy!

Daddy Bear

A lot has been happening around here! This morning Macky refused to eat breakfast unless he had sunglasses on! WHAT? Not sure how that happened, but it made me laugh! Sorry I didn't get a photo of that - I didn't want to miss a moment of his little show. This is the last week of school for the girls and they've had so much fun this past year in preschool! Here are some photos from their Daddy Hoe Down last week. Rog wasn't going to be able to go, so in the morning he explained to the girls that Daddys would be at school today, but he couldn't be there because he had to work. "But we made you presents," Emma said! I cried. Then at 11am I walked in from the park with Macky to hear the phone ringing. It was Roger. "Where are you?" "I just walked in from the park, where are you?" "I'm sitting at the girls' school!" Somehow he worked it to get a few hours off and rushed over. I hung up and rushed over as well to capture it all!
Super cute lunch of pigs in a blanket, tator tots, baked beans, rolls and cow pie cookies that I made!

Rog doing a little PR - enlisting new officers!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sprinkler Fun

While I was gone last weekend, Rog bought a little sprinkler for the kids to play in. I pulled it out today and we all had a blast! Funny though, the girls mostly wanted to drink the water!! After, I dipped my foot into the pool for a pleasant surprise - it was warm! I was shocked because it hasn't been hot here at all and it's been cool at night. So... we all went swimming! Great day :)

Cool Beach Day

I'm wondering if we're in for a mild Summer?? These photos were from a cool day at the beach last week where June gloom made it lovely! (For those of you who are non-Californians, "June Gloom" is the fog that hugs the coast for the month of June, making the sky grey and gloomy. We actually love it!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Grandma Lake

My Grandma Lake passed away today.
It's amazing to try to explain death to children.
When we got in the car to go to school today, my mom just called to give me the news. Naturally, I was crying. The girls asked what was wrong and I told them that Great Grandma died. Georgia said, "We need to pray for Great Grandma. Dear Jesus, I pray for Great Grandma. I don't want her to cry. I don't want her to hurt. I don't want her to get dead, but she just died. Amen." Super cute and funny too!
Then Emma said, "Mommy, was Great Grandma your Mommy?" "No," I said, "She was my Grandma, my Grammie (what they call my mom)." "Now who will be your Grammie?" Emma asked. "We need to find you a new Grammie. We can share our Grammie with you."
They are so cute! Grandma measured everyone on the door jam of her kitchen. Here she is measuring Emma in 2008.
Her 86th birthday was celebrated at my house. She said her mother always made her a white cake with lemon filling and whipped cream frosting, so... that's what I made!

This is one of my favorite pictures of my Grandma - laughing! She did that often!

Grandma Emma & Baby Emma

Sharing a smoke with Grandma!!! Candy cigarettes mind you!!!
My Grandma always had a good sense of humor.

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