Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Daddy Bear

A lot has been happening around here! This morning Macky refused to eat breakfast unless he had sunglasses on! WHAT? Not sure how that happened, but it made me laugh! Sorry I didn't get a photo of that - I didn't want to miss a moment of his little show. This is the last week of school for the girls and they've had so much fun this past year in preschool! Here are some photos from their Daddy Hoe Down last week. Rog wasn't going to be able to go, so in the morning he explained to the girls that Daddys would be at school today, but he couldn't be there because he had to work. "But we made you presents," Emma said! I cried. Then at 11am I walked in from the park with Macky to hear the phone ringing. It was Roger. "Where are you?" "I just walked in from the park, where are you?" "I'm sitting at the girls' school!" Somehow he worked it to get a few hours off and rushed over. I hung up and rushed over as well to capture it all!
Super cute lunch of pigs in a blanket, tator tots, baked beans, rolls and cow pie cookies that I made!

Rog doing a little PR - enlisting new officers!

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